Programming in AVR assembler language
Commands sorted by function
For the abbreviations used see the list of abbreviations.
Function | Subfunction | Command | Flags | Clk |
Register set |
0 | CLR r1 | Z N V | 1 |
255 | SER rh | 1 | ||
Constant | LDI rh,c255 | 1 | ||
Copy | Register => Register | MOV r1,r2 | 1 | |
SRAM => Register, direct | LDS r1,c65535 | 2 | ||
SRAM => Register | LD r1,rp | 2 | ||
SRAM => Register and INC | LD r1,rp+ | 2 | ||
DEC, SRAM => Register | LD r1,-rp | 2 | ||
SRAM, displaced => Register | LDD r1,ry+k63 | 2 | ||
Port => Register | IN r1,p1 | 1 | ||
Stack => Register | POP r1 | 2 | ||
Program storage Z => R0 | LPM | 3 | ||
Register => SRAM, direct | STS c65535,r1 | 2 | ||
Register => SRAM | ST rp,r1 | 2 | ||
Register => SRAM and INC | ST rp+,r1 | 2 | ||
DEC, Register => SRAM | ST -rp,r1 | 2 | ||
Register => SRAM, displaced | STD ry+k63,r1 | 2 | ||
Register => Port | OUT p1,r1 | 1 | ||
Register => Stack | PUSH r1 | 2 | ||
Add | 8 Bit, +1 | INC r1 | Z N V | 1 |
8 Bit | ADD r1,r2 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
8 Bit + Carry | ADC r1,r2 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
16 Bit, constant | ADIW rd,k63 | Z C N V S | 2 | |
Subtract | 8 Bit, -1 | DEC r1 | Z N V | 1 |
8 Bit | SUB r1,r2 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
8 Bit, constant | SUBI rh,c255 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
8 Bit - Carry | SBC r1,r2 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
8 Bit - Carry, constant | SBCI rh,c255 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
16 Bit | SBIW rd,k63 | Z C N V S | 2 | |
Shift | logic, left | LSL r1 | Z C N V | 1 |
logic, right | LSR r1 | Z C N V | 1 | |
Rotate, left over Carry | ROL r1 | Z C N V | 1 | |
Rotate, right over Carry | ROR r1 | Z C N V | 1 | |
Arithmetic, right | ASR r1 | Z C N V | 1 | |
Nibble exchange | SWAP r1 | 1 | ||
Binary | And | AND r1,r2 | Z N V | 1 |
And, constant | ANDI rh,c255 | Z N V | 1 | |
Or | OR r1,r2 | Z N V | 1 | |
Or, constant | ORI rh,c255 | Z N V | 1 | |
Exclusive-Or | EOR r1,r2 | Z N V | 1 | |
Ones-complement | COM r1 | Z C N V | 1 | |
Twos-complement | NEG r1 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
Bits change |
Register, set | SBR rh,c255 | Z N V | 1 |
Register, clear | CBR rh,255 | Z N V | 1 | |
Register, copy to T-Flag | BST r1,b7 | T | 1 | |
Register, copy from T-Flag | BLD r1,b7 | 1 | ||
Port, set | SBI pl,b7 | 2 | ||
Port, clear | CBI pl,b7 | 2 | ||
Statusbit set |
Zero-Flag | SEZ | Z | 1 |
Carry Flag | SEC | C | 1 | |
Negative Flag | SEN | N | 1 | |
Twos complement carry Flag | SEV | V | 1 | |
Half carry Flag | SEH | H | 1 | |
Signed Flag | SES | S | 1 | |
Transfer Flag | SET | T | 1 | |
Interrupt Enable Flag | SEI | I | 1 | |
Statusbit clear |
Zero-Flag | CLZ | Z | 1 |
Carry Flag | CLC | C | 1 | |
Negative Flag | CLN | N | 1 | |
Twos complement carry Flag | CLV | V | 1 | |
Half carry Flag | CLH | H | 1 | |
Signed Flag | CLS | S | 1 | |
Transfer Flag | CLT | T | 1 | |
Interrupt Enable Flag | CLI | I | 1 | |
Compare | Register, Register | CP r1,r2 | Z C N V H | 1 |
Register, Register + Carry | CPC r1,r2 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
Register, constant | CPI rh,c255 | Z C N V H | 1 | |
Register, ≤0 | TST r1 | Z N V | 1 | |
Immediate Jump |
Relative | RJMP c4096 | 2 | |
Indirect, Address in Z | IJMP | 2 | ||
Subroutine, relative | RCALL c4096 | 3 | ||
Subroutine, Address in Z | ICALL | 3 | ||
Return from Subroutine | RET | 4 | ||
Return from Interrupt | RETI | I | 4 | |
Conditioned Jump |
Statusbit set | BRBS b7,c127 | 1/2 | |
Statusbit clear | BRBC b7,c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if equal | BREQ c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if equal | BRNE c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if carry | BRCS c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if carry clear | BRCC c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if equal or greater | BRSH c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if lower | BRLO c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if negative | BRMI c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if positive | BRPL c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if greater or equal (Signed) | BRGE c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if lower than zero (Signed) | BRLT c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump on half carry set | BRHS c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if half carry clear | BRHC c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if T-Flag set | BRTS c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if T-Flag clear | BRTC c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if Twos complement carry set | BRVS c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if Twos complement carry clear | BRVC c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if Interrupts enabled | BRIE c127 | 1/2 | ||
Jump if Interrupts disabled | BRID c127 | 1/2 | ||
Conditioned Jumps |
Registerbit=0 | SBRC r1,b7 1/2/3 | ||
Registerbit=1 | SBRS r1,b7 | 1/2/3 | ||
Portbit=0 | SBIC pl,b7 | 1/2/3 | ||
Portbit=1 | SBIS pl,b7 | 1/2/3 | ||
Compare, jump if equal | CPSE r1,r2 | 1/2/3 | ||
Others | No Operation | NOP | 1 | |
Sleep | SLEEP | 1 | ||
Watchdog Reset | WDR | 1 |
Command list in alphabetic order
Assembler directives
ADC r1,r2
ADD r1,r2
ADIW rd,k63
AND r1,r2
ANDI rh,c255, Register
ASR r1
BLD r1,b7
BRCC c127
BRCS c127
BREQ c127
BRGE c127
BRHC c127
BRHS c127
BRID c127
BRIE c127
BRLO c127
BRLT c127
BRMI c127
BRNE c127
BRPL c127
BRSH c127
BRTC c127
BRTS c127
BRVC c127
BRVS c127
BST r1,b7
CBI pl,b7
CBR rh,255, Register
CLR r1
CLT, (command example)
COM r1
CP r1,r2
CPC r1,r2
CPI rh,c255, Register
CPSE r1,r2
DEC r1
EOR r1,r2
IJMP IN r1,p1
INC r1
LD rp,(rp,rp+,-rp) (Register), (SRAM access), Ports
LDD r1,ry+k63
LDI rh,c255 (Register), Pointer
LDS r1,c65535
LSL r1
LSR r1
MOV r1,r2
NEG r1
OR r1,r2 ORI rh,c255 OUT p1,r1
POP r1, (in Int-routine)
PUSH r1, (in Int-routine)
RCALL c4096
RET, (in Int-routine)
RJMP c4096
ROL r1
ROR r1
SBC r1,r2
SBCI rh,c255
SBI pl,b7
SBIC pl,b7
SBIS pl,b7
SBIW rd,k63
SBR rh,255, Register
SBRC r1,b7
SBRS r1,b7
SEI, (in Int-routine)
SER rh
SET, (example)
ST (rp/rp+/-rp),r1 (Register), SRAM access, Ports
STD ry+k63,r1
STS c65535,r1
SUB r1,r2
SUBI rh,c255
TST r1
To the top of that page
Ports, alphabetic order
ACSR, Analog Comparator Control and Status Register
DDRx, Port x Data Direction Register
EEAR, EEPROM Adress Register
EECR, EEPROM Control Register
EEDR, EEPROM Data Register
GIFR, General Interrupt Flag Register
GIMSK, General Interrupt Mask Register
ICR1L/H, Input Capture Register 1
MCUCR, MCU General Control Register
OCR1A, Output Compare Register 1 A
OCR1B, Output Compare Register 1 B
PINx, Port Input Access
PORTx, Port x Output Register
SPL/SPH, Stackpointer
SPCR, Serial Peripheral Control Register
SPDR, Serial Peripheral Data Register
SPSR, Serial Peripheral Status Register
SREG, Status Register
TCCR0, Timer/Counter Control Register, Timer 0
TCCR1A, Timer/Counter Control Register 1 A
TCCR1B, Timer/Counter Control Register 1 B
TCNT0, Timer/Counter Register, Counter 0
TCNT1, Timer/Counter Register, Counter 1
TIFR, Timer Interrupt Flag Register
TIMSK, Timer Interrupt Mask Register
UBRR, UART Baud Rate Register
UCR, UART Control Register
UDR, UART Data Register
WDTCR, Watchdog Timer Control Register
To the top of that page
List of abbreviations
The abbreviations used are chosen to include the value range. Register pairs are named by the lower of the two registers. Constants in jump commands are automatically calculated from the respective labels during assembly.
Category | Abbrev. | Means ... | Value range |
Register | r1 | Ordinary Source and Target register | R0..R31 |
r2 | Ordinary Source register | ||
rh | Upper page register | R16..R31 | |
rd | Twin register | R24(R25), R26(R27), R28(R29), R30(R31) | |
rp | Pointer register | X=R26(R27), Y=R28(R29), Z=R30(R31) | |
ry | Pointer register with displacement | Y=R28(R29), Z=R30(R31) | |
Constant | k63 | Pointer-constant | 0..63 |
c127 | Conditioned jump distance | -64..+63 | |
c255 | 8-Bit-Constant | 0..255 | |
c4096 | Relative jump distance | -2048..+2047 | |
c65535 | 16-Bit-Address | 0..65535 | |
Bit | b7 | Bit position | 0..7 |
Port | p1 | Ordinary Port | 0..63 |
pl | Lower page port | 0..31 |